#SixForSunday: Books That Have Been On My TBR Forever

#SixForSunday: Books That Have Been On My TBR Forever

I didn’t have a blog post scheduled for today, but then I saw the wonderful Steph’s Six For Sunday and… well, let’s just say I started counting all the books I own but haven’t yet read the other day, and I stopped counting when I got north of fifty. Oops.

So, here are five of the books that have been waiting on my TBR for the longest!

  1. The Graces, by Laure Eve. I think I bought this one at one of my very first YALCs. It sounds creepy and darkly brilliant and I may have even started reading it at some point… but I have no recollection of this and it’s been sadly languishing on my shelves ever since.

  2. Gone by Michael Grant. This one I’ve been meaning to read for several years, largely because my wonderful students in Book Group at work all love the series and keep rightly berating me every time they ask “have you read it?” and I say “…no, not yet!”. I promise you, Book Group, I will get to this book before lockdown is over!

  3. The Fire Sermon by Francesca Haig. I don’t even remember when I bought this, which means I probably acquired it a few years ago during my ‘haul all the things at Waterstones’ phase. I think it’s a dystopian fantasy of sorts, which is my kind of thing. But I can’t remember anything else!

  4. Moxie by Jannifer Mathieu. This one I have definitely had on my watch list for a while. It nearly made the reading list for Book Group this academic year, but unfortunately the county libraries didn’t have enough copies in stock to make it a viable option. I definitely want to read this soon - perhaps I’ll save it for a day when I’m feeling particularly annoyed about the universe!

  5. Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton. This book should win AWARDS for how long it’s been on my TBR. I was gifted a copy of this at my previous place of work by the librarian, who’d somehow managed to get given a PROOF of Rebel. So there I have it. A proof of Rebel of the Sands that I’ve been neglecting ever since. I suppose, if I like it then the whole trilogy is readily available for me to binge-read…

Which of these books should I bump up my TBR? Which of these have you read and loved?

Let me know in the comments!

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