Books On My Summer 2020 TBR

Books On My Summer 2020 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This is actually really early for me to set myself a summer 2020 TBR! Usually I sit down in the first week of the summer holidays, set myself a stack for the summer, and off I go. So I suppose this TBR is a list of the books that will tide me over until the summer break…

Loveless by Alice Oseman.

This is easily my most hyped book for the rest of 2020. An ace rep story AND a Shakespeare society?! Did Alice Oseman look inside my head and design a book that is everything I’d want? It sure seems like it!

All the remaining published Laini Taylor books.

I’ve read Daughter of Smoke and Bone but am trying to ration myself (because otherwise every other book will seem terrible by comparison, let’s be fair.) But I’m hoping to at least finish this series, even if I don’t move on to Strange yet.

Vengeful by VE Schwab.

I put this down a while ago (things must have been hectic, because I NEVER put down a V book) and oh my goodness, I am determined to return to it! It was so good! I love this series so much!

Just a lot of middle grade.

I realised recently that I do not read enough middle grade, and I’ve also read a few really cracking middle grade books over the past few weeks. So I’m determined to read more! Recently I’ve read and loved The Strangeworlds Travel Agency by LD Lapinski, and A Darkness of Dragons by SA Patrick. Would love any recommendations along those lines!

Wolf Hall.

I work with my local independent bookshop, and as part of this I’m trying to read the books that are popular outside of the children’s and YA sections. And everyone KEEPS buying Hilary Mantel (which is great! Support your local indie!). But I’ve always struggled with it. I started it the other day, but I didn’t have the focus to stick with it, so I’m hoping this summer I’ll finally make my way through the whole book. And not hate it. I hope.

My backlist!

This really is the final one on this list because… well, my backlist is LONG. I added up my unread books at the start of lockdown and stopped counting when I got to 50. And, apart from reading for Independent Bookshop Week (coming very soon! Support your local indie!) I’ve not got many NEW books that I’m anticipating. So I’m hoping this summer I’ll make some meaningful progress on my backlist!*

*really looking forward to updating you all at the end of summer to find out my backlist is still just as long, lols.

What’s on your summer 2020 TBR? Are there any books you’d recommend I add to my TBR? Let me know!

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