Books I've Added To My TBR and Forgotten Why

Books I've Added To My TBR and Forgotten Why

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

When I saw this prompt, I nervous laughed. Because I tend to make big TBR stacks (I’m a mood reader) and then either get to them quickly, or they languish in a TBR stack on the floor by my reading chair for far longer than should be allowed. So, here’s what’s on those stacks!

1. A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder by Holly Black.

Yes, I know! I do know why I added this to my TBR (think it was shortlisted for the YA Book Prize?) but I don’t know why I bothered. I never, ever, read crime/mystery.thriller so it means despite my best intentions, I don’t know why I ever thought I’d get to this book.

2. Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton.

Yep, I’ve not yet read Rebel. And i’m not sure how it came to be on my TBR! My copy is a proof I was given (maybe someone years ago at my last job?) and whether I picked it up because I’d heard some hype or because I genuinely thought I’d love it, I have no idea.

3. Alex and Eliza by Melissa De La Cruz.

I know that I picked this up on offer at YALC one year, but why I do not know. Was it a love of historical fiction? The fact that I’d heard some people talk about this musical called Hamilton that was apparently really good? Oh, Past Me.

4. The Fandom by Anna Day.

Oh look, another YALC acquirement that I’ve added to my TBR. And still not read. This was probably one I got because of the hype at the time, but it must have been some time ago now. I can’t even remember what the book is about!

5. Blood Red Road by Moira Young.

Drawing a blank on this one, pals. Don’t remember getting it, don’t remember any reason why I might have bought it. Just know that it’s on my shelf. Maybe it just invited itself in one day?!

6. The Door That Led To Where by Sally Gardner.

Now, I own other Sally Gardner titles that I really enjoyed, so I’m assuming I picked this one up because I recognised the author name. But I bought it in hardback, which is really unlike me! So there must have been some reason I plumped for the hardback. Some mysterious, unfathomable reason.

7. The Final Empire (Mistborn Book One) by Brandon Sanderson.

I think this was a charity shop get, but I’m not sure why given that I’ve never read any Brandon Sanderson before and recently I saw some stuff going round twitter saying that he’s quite problematic? I haven’t looked in any more detail at the author or the book, so if someone could shed some light for me, that would be super.

8. Talon by Julie Kagawa.

Either I have a past hauling problem, or this was another YALC purchase. Who even knows.
(I read the blurb. It’s about dragons. That explains everything.) Also, I’ve since decided to add this to my #MakeYourMythTaker readathon TBR, so hopefully I’ll get to this book very soon!

9. An Ember In The Ashes by Sabaa Tahir.

I really don’t know why I bought this, because it definitely wasn’t a hype purchase! Although I know it is a super-hyped book. It’s been on my shelf for an age. Have I started it yet? Not even close.

10. The Graces by Laure Eve.

I vaguely remember starting this at some point, years ago, but clearly didn’t finish it. Was this a buy-one-get-one-half-price Waterstones purchase? Did I get it at YALC after a panel? No idea. But ti does look like the sort of book I should enjoy, and Laure Eve has been really interesting on every panel I’ve seen her on!

Do any of these titles need urgently bumping up my TBR? Are there any that I can skip?

Let me know in the comments!

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