Authors I’ve Read the Most Books By

Authors I’ve Read the Most Books By

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

I really liked the prompt for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday - an excuse to flail about the authors I’ve read the most of! If you like this post, I also did my auto-buy authors post here a few weeks ago. I found this a really interesting exercise because of course I’ve ordered this by number of books read rather than how much I love them. Intriguing!

(I’ve also got so many books where I’ve only read three, so I’ve immediately discounted trilogies if that’s all I’ve read by that author in the interests of variation).

1. Elizabeth Acevedo.

She’s got three stand alone books published: The Poet X which won the Carnegie, With The Fire On High (my personal fave), and most recently Clap When You Land, which I read the other day and really enjoyed. Please go and read all these books if you haven’t already! They are emotive and joyous and I love that feeling!

2. Samantha Shannon.

Three books in her Bone Season series plus the absolute beast that is Priory gets this tally to four! (Although, let’s be fair, can we count Priory twice? It’s so huge!). Priory is hands down one of the best books I’ve ever read, so get on that if you haven’t already!

3. Alice Oseman.

I don’t know if I can count three volumes of Heartstopper as three books, or if I can count them all twice because of how often I’ve read them, but I’ve read Heartstopper and Alice’s three YA novels. I am SO EXCITED FOR LOVELESS, OH MY GOODNESS. So that’ll bump Alice up this list a bit :)

4. VE Schwab.

I’ve read the ADSOM trilogy and Vicious, and am half way through Vengeful. I would honestly have read more but she’s so good I save V books as a treat. I’m hoping to read more over the next few months though as part of Kate’s Schwab Readalong - you don’t need to be versed in Schwab so if you haven’t yet started, now is a brilliant time to get into one of my favourite writers!

5. Garth Nix.

I’ve read the five books in the Abhorsen series (and possibly more? But I can’t remember, haha) and enjoyed every single one of them. A friend found a bind-up of the first three in their house the other day and it’s been lovely to hear them get just as excited as an adult reader as I did reading as a young teen, and I really think these stories hold up to all audiences. Well worth discovering this series!

6. Alison Croggon.

Five Pellinor books and Black Spring (a magical Wuthering Heights reworking and yes it IS as good as it sounds). Pellinor is my favourite series possibly ever - I KNOW. What a claim - because of the incredible world building, gorgeous writing, and epic journey. If you like LOTR but want something more readable, this is perfect.

7. Holly Bourne.

An author here who has an extensive back catalogue so has ended up quite high on this list! I’ve read the four Spinster Club books, It Only Happens In The Movies, and Are We All Lemmings And Snowflakes. (I’m saving The Places I’ve Cried In Public, as I started it but wasn’t in the headspace for the subject matter it touches on.)

8. Trudi Canavan.

This is down to my childhood addiction to The Magician’s Guild series, which had an original trilogy, a prequel, and then we were treated to a sequel trilogy! I adore this world so much - it’s perfect entry-level fantasy for readers who’ve moved beyond MG but aren’t quite ready for full-blown YA fantasy. It is GORGEOUS. I still very distinctly remember the moment in book three where I sat on my bedroom floor and CRIED. Gloriousness.

9. Terry Pratchett.

I’m working my way through the Discworld books in order, and I’ve read the first seven (plus Tiffany. I love Tiffany). I love Pratchett’s dry humour and satirising of society and frankly if you haven’t read Pratchett, WHAT have you been doing?!

10. Patrick Ness.

I’ve read pretty much every single one of his books, save his adult effort, and I will smash that pre-order book SO FAST every time. I love all his books, but Chaos Walking and A Monster Calls are notably entries for ‘Most Feels-Crushing-But-In-The-Best-Way’.

Have you read any of these authors?
What are the authors you’ve read the most books by?

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