Easter Readathon

Easter Readathon

When Kate over at Reading Through Infinity announced that Easter Readathon was back for another year, I did a little dance of excitement! I love reading solidly for the whole weekend, with reading sprints and chatting about books with everyone else joining in. I also have the world’s largest TBR to wade through, so any excuse to get through that is always welcome!

You can find out all about the Easter Readathon on Kate’s post here.


So I read through these prompts with the best of intentions… until I realised my currently reading and urgent reads pile was already fairly out of control! So instead of these fab prompts, I’m going to finish what I’m currently reading.

I started Hollowpox last weekend. It’s the third book in the Nevermoor series, which is a delightful MG series full of magic and adventure. More hijinks await Morrigan and friends at the Wundrous Society.

Part of my what-shall-I-read-next from the other week involved me reading the opening to a few books to see what took my fancy, and Crier’s War was one of them. While I didn’t continue it last week, I knew I wanted to keep reading and so I’m hoping to continue (maybe finish?) this book this weekend!

My Grishaverse re-read continues apace and, after re-reading the original trilogy and Six of Crows, I’m now re-reading Crooked Kingdom before I move on to the King of Scars duology.

I haven’t read the King of Scars duology before, but I’m terrified of Rule of Wolves spoilers so I will be trying to read this duology this weekend if possible!

If I can read all of these books over the four day weekend (which wouldn’t be impossible at the speed I usually read) then I’ll be really pleased with my progress! I’m just looking forward to curling up and having a good read, along with everyone else participating in Easter Readathon!

Are you joining in with Easter Readathon?

What are you reading this weekend?

My March Reading Wrap-Up

My March Reading Wrap-Up

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