All in Books

The Reading Rush 2020!

I’ve heard of the Reading Rush before, but usually part-way through so I’ve not participated. This year, though, I remembered it existed in time to get properly prepped for the prompts! And so here are my plans for the Reading Rush 2020…

Books That Make Me Smile

I was so happy when I saw this prompt, because I have been reading so many joyous books over the past few months! This is basically my list of happy comfort reads, and ones I’d recommend if you need cheering up or just want to enjoy all the happy and heartwarming vibes!

Authors I’ve Read the Most Books By

I really liked the prompt for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday - an excuse to flail about the authors I’ve read the most of! If you like this post, I also did my auto-buy authors post here a few weeks ago. I found this a really interesting exercise because of course I’ve ordered this by number of books read rather than how much I love them. Intriguing!

The Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag!

Why yes, I am doing the tag you’re already sick of seeing… It’s the Mid-Year Book Freakout tag! It was really lovely, actually, to look back over what I’ve read so far this year. Lockdown has been great for one thing, and it’s how many books I’ve read!

Here’s the highlights…

My June Book Haul!

June has been a MONTH for buying and borrowing books, oh my goodness. I got very carried away. So much so that I felt I needed to collate them all here in a blog post! I also got the most humungous stack of loaner books from the fantastic Fox Benwell, and I’ll pop my faves in here, as that stack could be a whole separate blog post, it’s so epic!

Here’s what I got in June…

My Auto-Buy Authors

This week, Top Ten Tuesday celebrates turning 10, and so I chose an old prompt from the archives to do this week - authors I always pre-order books from! These are my real faves, and authors I know I can depend on for a really great read.

It's Independent Bookshop Week!

Happy Independent Bookshop Week! This is one of my favourite weeks of the year, where usually I’d make a point of getting to as many of my favourite indie bookshops as possible. But given the current situation, I thought instead I’d highlight some of my favourite indie bookshops, and encourage you to all order from your indie where you can!

Books On My Summer 2020 TBR

This is actually really early for me to set myself a summer 2020 TBR! Usually I sit down in the first week of the summer holidays, set myself a stack for the summer, and off I go. So I suppose this TBR is a list of the books that will tide me over until the summer break…

Let's Chat... MG in to YA Fantasy Fiction.

Hello! So I was thinking about quite a few different bookish things the other day, and figured that rather than writing twitter threads at 11pm when I can’t always trust my brain and my typing to match up, I’d try writing an actual blog post every time I think about something that I can’t fit in to a tweet.

So get yourself a cuppa, and let’s get chatting!